High-Performance Polycarbonate Sheets with a Glass-Like Appearance

EZ Glaze smart layout simplifies installation and fastening, while providing high load capacity and durability. The 3 mm thick polycarbonate sheets fit directly over rafters without supporting purlins. EZ Glaze is an attractive and user-friendly solution for clear patio roofs, and residential skylights. 

Enjoy natural daylight and comfort with outstanding design and finish. EZ Glaze offers easy, safe and fast installation, extra strength and hail-resistance, durability and UV protection. 


Brighten up your home with EZ Glaze glass-like polycarbonate. Create a stylish outdoor seating area.

Lightweight & easy
to install

Glass appearance

Rafter installation

Extra durable 

Clear & elegant

 Protects against
UV radiation


Transform your outdoor area into a sleek, modern space with EZ Glaze
  • Polycarbonate entrance canopy

  • Glass-like pergola cover

  • Outdoor canopy roofing

  • Glass-like sheets roof for pergola 

  • DIY skylights

  • Clear roof for gazebo

  • Patio rain cover

  • DIY garden shelter

  • DIY façade

  • Conservatory roofing

Color Swatch

Choose from a variety of clear or tinted polycarbonate sheets.
  • Clear

    90% light transmission

  • Grey

    20% light transmission

  • Bluish Breeze

    70% light transmission

  • Bronze

    20% light transmission

  • Solar Ice

    20% light transmission

  • Solar Control

    20% light transmission

  • White Opal

    20% light transmission


Roof your patio in a snap with EZ Glaze Glass-like DIY polycarbonate. Get the help you need with these EZ Glaze how-to videos.
  • The benefits of EZ Glaze

    Sun protection. Exceptionally durable. Smart design. Glass appearance. Easy DIY.

    Watch video>
  • EZ Glaze in a time-lapse

    If you’re thinking about installing your own car park canopy, this video is for you!

    Watch video>
  • Installing EZ Glaze 50

    Learn how to install EZ Glaze. Your garden roof just got a lot easier!

    Watch video>
  • EZ Glaze roof pitch

    Using roof slope calculator to enable proper drainage: Do it professionally.

    Watch video>
  • EZ Glaze accessories

    A complete solution for your next project

    Watch video>
  • EZ Glaze purlins installing

    Learn how to install EZ Glaze on purlins pergola easily!

    Watch video>


Show FAQs
How to Store Polycarbonate Sheets
Polycarbonate sheets are tough and durable and guaranteed to last for years.
Here are some tips for storing polycarbonate sheets to ensure you get the most out of your investment.
Polycarbonate should be stored horizontally on a flat surface, such as a pallet or a shelf. 
Ensure that no nails or bolts protrude from the platform. Even small rocks can leave permanent dents and scratches on the sheets.
Stack the largest sheets at the bottom, and the shorter, smaller panels on top.
Avoid stepping on polycarbonate panels and placing heavy or sharp equipment on them.
Store the polycarbonate sheet in a dry, cool, ventilated, shaded area away from direct sunlight.
Keep your stack dry to prevent whitening and water spots.
Avoid covering the sheets with dark films or other heat-absorbing materials.
Cover the panels with an opaque, bright, waterproof cover if you intend to leave them outdoors.
What Is the Right Saw for Cutting SUNTUF Corrugated Polycarbonate Sheets?
Safety First: Protect yourself by using professional equipment, keeping your surroundings neat and tidy, and using tools with caution and care.
Power tools
Circular table saws are the most efficient and accurate way to cut plastic sheets. This option, however, is rarely available on home improvement sites.
A portable fine-toothed circular saw is ideal for cutting on-site. High blade speed and moderate feeding rate will give you the best results.
A jigsaw also produces clean, accurate cuts, but requires better control. It is most suitable for cutting complex shapes and curved lines
Manual tools
Working with manual tools is time-consuming, but it reduces the possibility of sheet damage.
Manual handsaws with fine teeth provide accuracy and control.
Hand tools such as tin snips, scissors, or even a utility knife are useful when working with thin polycarbonate sheets or for making small notches.
Additional tools
You will need a flat, stable workbench to work on.
To set guidelines, you will need a tape measure, a ruler, and a marking pen.
How to Cut SUNTUF Corrugated Polycarbonate Roofing Sheets DIY
Corrugated polycarbonate sheets are common roofing materials for DIY garden shelters and outdoor canopies. On-site tailoring and trimming is simple. Follow these guidelines to ensure quality results.
Safety First: Protect yourself by using professional equipment, keeping your surroundings neat and tidy, and using tools with caution and care.
Place a layer of cardboard or plywood on the workbench before placing the sheets. This will protect the surface from scratches.
Place the polycarbonate panels on your workbench.
Clamp a few sheets together. This will reduce vibrations.
Polycarbonate sheets come with a removable protective film or marking strip. This film indicates which side of the panel is UV-protected. Do not remove it. You will need it later.
Use a measuring tape to measure the sheet, and make pen marks at each end. Join the marks with a ruler.
Do not rush measuring and marking. Once trimmed, you cannot patch the sheets together.
Secure the polycarbonate sheets to the workbench surface to prevent movement and vibrations.
Support the sheets near the cutting line. You can do this by placing a timber plank on top of the sheets, parallel to the markings.
Cut along the marked pen line. The preferred method is to use a fine-tooth saw that rotates at high speed. 
Advance the saw slowly and steadily and do not stop once you have begun. It will ensure a clean, consistent edge.
Remove leftover cuts and scraps from the cutting table.
How to Install SUNTUF Corrugated Polycarbonate Roofing Sheets DIY
Specifications vary between different products and sheet profiles. Read the installation instructions for the specific roofing sheet you have chosen and follow them carefully.
Here is a general outline of the steps involved in installing corrugated polycarbonate roofing panels:
Have your roofing framework built, including rafters and purlins with appropriate spacing.
Measure and mark the area where the panels will be installed.
Trim the sheets to the right length, if needed.
Place the first panel on the roof and align it with the roof edge.
Before securing the panel to the roof frame, remember:
Place the fixings in the right places.
Use suitable screws and gaskets.
Pre-drill oversized holes to allow thermal movement.
Repeat the process with the remaining panels, overlapping and align them with the corrugations.
If needed, add additional flashing.
It is important to follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions carefully and use the appropriate fasteners and sealants to ensure a secure and durable installation.
If you are unsure about how to install the panels or are not comfortable with the process, it is recommended to hire a professional contractor to do the job.
What is the right roof pitch for SUNTUF and PALRUF corrugated plastic sheeting?
A proper slope keeps water off the roof. It prevents leaks, keeps the roof clean, and ensures structural integrity.
Roof slope percentage indicates how much the roof falls over a given distance. For example, the roof slope would be 5% if it dropped 5 centimeters over one meter.
DIY corrugated plastic sheet typically requires a 10% slope. Some profiles call for a deeper slope. Check the specs of your sheeting to be sure.
Pay attention: If you expect leaves or snow to accumulate on your roof, consider a deeper slope.
Can SUNTUF corrugated polycarbonate or PALRUF PVC sheets be bent into arches?
Corrugated plastic sheets are tough and flexible. You can easily bend them to a curved roof without losing material integrity. There is only one rule: stay within the allowed arch radius. 
In simple terms, an arc is a segment of a circle, and its radius is equal to its circle’s radius. 
Your sheet’s minimum bending radius is determined by its profile (corrugation) and thickness.
Typical DIY polycarbonate corrugated sheets can bend to an arc radius of 4,000mm. Some of the more robust sheets require a minimum radius of 7,000mm. Check the specs of your sheeting to be sure.
Which side of the SUNTUF roofing sheet should face up?
Look for a removable strip that indicates which side of the sheet is UV-protected.
It is critical to install the sheets with the UV-protected side facing up. 
Remove the marking strip after installation.
How to accommodate SUNTUF polycarbonate roofing sheets’ thermal expansion
Polycarbonate roofing sheets can accommodate thermal movement by following these guidelines:
Keep a small gap where the SUNTUF sheets meet another object. Sheets expand most along their length, so pay attention to this direction.
Pre-drill oversize holes around the fixings. In this way, the screws won’t stress the sheets.
Polycarbonate ridge caps, wall connectors, and flashings should also be predrilled with oversized holes.
Applying foam tape along structural elements that come in contact with sheets will reduce friction noise.
Leave a 5cm-10cm overhang over the lower purlin.
Why do polycarbonate roofing sheets require pre-drilling oversized holes?

Polycarbonate sheets are typically attached to support structures using screws or other fasteners. It is necessary to pre-drill oversized holes in the SUNTUF sheets to allow for expansion and contraction due to temperature changes. This is critical to ensuring the roof’s quality and performance over time.

Which screws to use for fixing corrugated SUNTUF and PALRUF roofing sheets?
Use corrosion-resistant screws for optimal long-term service
Use screws with an outside thread diameter of ¼”
Screw shaft length varies with corrugation profile and fixing location (crest or valley).
Use self-tapping screws for timber purlins, and self-drilling screws for metal purlins.
What kind of gasket is suitable for corrugated SUNTUF and PALRUF sheets?
Flexible EPDM gaskets with metal washers.
Flexible EPDM gaskets allow just enough free movement for the sheets as they contract and expand. This ensures an effective seal against leaks and reduces stress and micro cracks. The metal washers will distribute the fastener load and will support the gasket.
Gaskets should conceal holes properly.
Use a 25mm gasket for a 10mm drill. A 19mm gasket is the alternative when the corrugation profile does not allow a wider gasket (if the valley or crest is too narrow).
How to clean polycarbonate roofing?
Here are some steps to clean your polycarbonate roofing sheets:
Remove any loose debris, such as leaves or twigs, from the sheets surface using a broom or leaf blower.
Dip a soft cloth or sponge into a bucket of warm water and gently scrub the sheets, working in small sections at a time.
Rinse the sheets thoroughly with water to remove any remaining dirt or soap suds.
Dry the sheets with a clean and soft cloth, or allow them to air dry.
Avoid using high-pressure water or a pressure washer. High pressure can damage the sheets’ surface.
Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the sheets’ surface. Before using a detergent, ensure it is polycarbonate-compliant.
If the sheets are particularly dirty or have stains that are difficult to remove, you may need to repeat the cleaning process a few times to get them fully clean.
In addition to cleaning the sheets, it is also worthwhile to regularly inspect the roofing for damage or wear.