Safety First: Protect yourself by using professional equipment, keeping your surroundings neat and tidy, and using tools with caution and care.
Power tools
Circular table saws are the most efficient and accurate way to cut plastic sheets. This option, however, isn't always available on home renovation sites.
A portable fine-toothed circular saw is ideal for cutting on-site. High blade speed and a moderate feeding rate will give you the most effective results.
A jigsaw also produces clean, accurate cuts, but requires better control. It is most suitable for cutting complex shapes and curved lines.
Manual tools
Working with manual tools is time-consuming, but it reduces the risk of sheet damage.
Manual handsaws or hacksaws with fine teeth provide accuracy and control.
Hand tools such as tin snips, scissors, or even a utility knife are useful for making small notches.
Additional tools
You will need a flat, stable workbench to work on.
To set guidelines, you will need a tape measure, a ruler, and a marking pen.
An air-compressor will help you remove chips that may have entered the sheets’ cells.