

How to Install a Porch Roof using SUNTUF® Panels

Posted in DIY/Outdoor Living
How to Install a Porch Roof using SUNTUF® Panels
By Phil Lahr, Business Unit Manager - DIY/RMM Products

Try to imagine the perfect porch roof or deck covering sheet that would help you complete your backyard escape – what are the must-have’s? Most importantly, the panels should be lightweight, unbreakable, and easy to install yourself. Second, you obviously want to let in plenty of sunshine, but also want 100% protection against harmful UV rays, extreme temperatures, rain, hail, & snow.

Luckily, SUNTUF® corrugated polycarbonate panels check all these boxes and are backed by a lifetime warranty. Read on for a step-by-step guide that will show you how to install SUNTUF to create an attractive, sun-filled outdoor living space for you and your family to enjoy year-round, rain or shine.

What you’ll need to get started:

  • A circular saw,
  • Utility knife or a pair of snips, and a straight edge
  • A silicone sealant compatible with polycarbonate (verify with the sealant manufacturer)
  • Drill with 1/4″ drill bit
  • 1/4″ nut driver
  • 1-5/2″ wood screws
  • WoodTite® EPDM washered fasteners
  • SUNTUF vertical & horizontal closure strips

Why you should choose SUNTUF for your porch, deck, or patio roof:

  • Virtually unbreakable polycarbonate
  • Blocks virtually 100% of harmful UV rays
  • Won’t yellow or fade
  • Highly resistant to hail impact
  • Up to 90% light transmission for maximum sunshine
  • Tinted panels are available if shade is desired
  • Lightweight and easy to install
  • Outstanding load capacity
  • Flame retardant
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty

Step-by-Step Installation Instructions:

STEP 1: Determine the pitch for the new roof, and then lay out the rafters. Cut the rafters to size and install them.

STEP 2: Attach the purlins across the tops of the rafters. In the project depicted here, purlins were installed every two feet from front to back.

STEP 3: Install blocking between the purlins on both of the outside rafters to support the SUNTUF® vertical closure strips installed every two feet from front to back.

STEP 4: Starting at one end, attach the horizontal closure strips to support first panel. Cut the vertical closure strips to fit between the horizontal closures, and install on the two outside rafters only.

STEP 5: Position the first panel. Predrill for each fastener with a 1/4″ bit. Attach the panels at the top of every other corrugation using a WoodTite® fastener with a bonded EPDM washer. Fit the washer tight against the surface of the panel. If the panel starts to deform downward, that is too tight.

STEP 6: Apply the approved silicone sealant where the second SUNTUF® Polycarbonate panel will overlap the first. Then place the second SUNTUF® panel in position, predrill, and fasten it to the structure.

STEP 7: Apply more silicone sealant (must be compatible with polycarbonate) where the next panels overlap.

STEP 8: Repeat the same procedure for each panel until the roof structure is complete. Make sure to predrill EPDM washered fastener.

There you have it! Now that you have your guide, get out there and start that roofing project you’ve been putting off! When you’re done, show us what you did so we can share it with the world!

About Palram Americas

Palram Americas is an end-to-end, state-of-the-art thermoplastics manufacturer based in the Lehigh Valley, PA. For 60 years, Palram has provided high-quality polycarbonate & PVC solutions used in countless markets spanning construction and architecture, sign and display, agriculture, safety & security, transportation, DIY and outdoor living.

Whether you’re a contractor, fabricator, designer, architect, printer, or even a homeowner interested in DIY projects, Palram’s range of polycarbonate and PVC solutions will help transform your vision into reality. Together, we will build on.

To learn more about Palram’s home & outdoor living panel & sheet products, see here

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